Egypt ‘freezes assets’ of ex-PM Shafiq

Egypt’s justice ministry on Sunday ordered the freezing of assets of Mubarak-era premier Ahmed Shafiq, who faces trial for alleged corruption, state media reported.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Egypt’s justice ministry on Sunday ordered the freezing of assets of Mubarak-era premier Ahmed Shafiq, who faces trial for alleged corruption, state media reported.The order, which comes from the ministry’s Illicit Gains Authority, also applies to Shafiq’s three daughters."The decision comes as part of ongoing investigations into allegations that Shafiq illegally acquired his wealth,” Justice Ministry spokesman Ahmed Roshdy Sallam was quoted as saying by the official MENA news agency.Shafiq -- the last prime minister to serve under toppled president Hosni Mubarak -- narrowly lost a June presidential election to Islamist Mohamed Morsi.He faces trial on December 2 over accusations of corruption when he headed various aviation state agencies.Shafiq, who left to the United Arab Emirates after the election, faces arrest on his return to Egypt after he was put on an airport watch list.The trial will be the latest in a series of court actions that have jailed much of the former regime’s leadership, including Mubarak himself.