Leaders must deliver to the people

Editor, Governments can quarrel over borders and resources, but to whose benefit? Do their citizens benefit from these resources?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Editor,Governments can quarrel over borders and resources, but to whose benefit? Do their citizens benefit from these resources? For example, what use is all the gold, diamond, coltan, uranium in the Congo to the Congolese people? As far as I know, the mineral wealth of DR Congo only serves the westerners whose multinationals exploit it, and are now scared that their agents in Kinshasa might lose power, so they need to blame somebody but not the Congolese government. My question: how can a government that has run a country with some of the world’s richest mineral fields for decades not been able to build an army to defend itself?(Reaction to Allan Brian Ssenyonga’s article, ‘Tanzania may need to remember that Malawi is not Uganda,’ The New Times, October 21)Buwembo,Uganda