I hate people who…

…ruin other people’s plans with their poor planning.  I wonder how I manage to restrain myself from kicking some people’s teeth. Have you ever been rushing somewhere on a motorcycle only for the guy to slow down and head to a fuel station? It could get worse.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

…ruin other people’s plans with their poor planning. I wonder how I manage to restrain myself from kicking some people’s teeth. Have you ever been rushing somewhere on a motorcycle only for the guy to slow down and head to a fuel station? It could get worse. Sometimes these jokers run out of fuel just after going past a filling station! Without shame they tell you to get off the bike as they do that annoying routine of tilting the bike so that some little fuel can go wherever it is supposed to and they try to ride to the next filling station. Meanwhile you are standing there like a zombie on display. I swear I am buying new boots just to kick such jokers in the teeth.    …think leggings are actually pants. I have heard of something called fashion police. What I do not understand is why our own police force has not thought of arresting some of these jokers who dress like they are scientific experiments for stupidity. I am talking about the women who think every day (and body) is for wearing leggings. Do these women even have mirrors in their homes? The other day I saw a fairly old lady walking around wearing leggings. I can swear she looked like an egg plant in those things. She reminded me of those Teletubby cartoons. Her body seemed to be in a hostage situation trying to escape the bondage she had subjected it to. …call into radio programmes without knowing what is going on. If RURA ever gets to that time of switching off fake mobile phones, I think they should also go ahead and switch off those phones whose owners seem not to have the brains to use them. I am referring to the potato heads that love to call into radio programmes and instead of contributing to the topics being discussed they insist on sending greetings to the same fools they are sitting with. As if that is not bad enough, some of them even have the guts to request for songs like "Why you lie to me.” I wonder who even sells airtime to such empty heads. It is like selling drugs to a toddler.  …think being customers allows them to be jerks as well. Although a customer is supposed to be considered a king (or queen), some of them would not even qualify to be servants. I hate customers who demand for more than is sensible. If you walk into a coffee shop, why should you make a scene about there not being enough power points for you to plug in your old Toshiba laptop that still runs on Windows98? Have you forgotten that this place primarily sells coffee/snacks and not electricity? It is not their fault that your cheap laptop cannot store power long enough. How about you find a real office and stop stressing some of us who came here for some hot lattes. …effortlessly embarrass themselves on social media. There are so many things to love about social media sites like Twitter until you meet a coconut head like the person who tried to ask the president for help because she had been "Chest” (SIC) from her job. If anything, someone who cannot spell the word chased properly should not have been in that office anyway. For sure, our president has better things to do than respond to a disgruntled HR who cannot spell simple words correctly. This joker needs basic English classes otherwise her English lacks Agaciro. Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293