A life in the day of a.... Sandra Kayidi, 22, waitress at La Fiesta in Kimihurura, Kigali

I wake up at 8.00 a.m. and organise my breakfast of tea and bread. After which I do some general cleaning and then look out what I’ll wear for work.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

I wake up at 8.00 a.m. and organise my breakfast of tea and bread. After which I do some general cleaning and then look out what I’ll wear for work.

I shower at around 11.30 a.m. and then head to work. On most days I arrive at around midday. I always register my time of arrival then I iron my uniform and get dressed for work.

I start waiting tables at 1.00 p.m. Through the day I take orders from clients and deliver whatever they have ordered. The work sometimes also involves doing some cleaning.

Generally speaking, working as waitress is enjoyable. Some of the customers are rude and just want to mess me around. And there are men who make advances. Others actually leave tips.

I would love to get better job. Working as a waitress happened by accident. I dropped out of school in Uganda in senior five. I couldn’t afford the fees.

My family knew a woman here in Rwanda who promised she would help me go back to school. I was worried about coming to a place where I couldn’t speak the language but I wanted to go back to school.

I ended up becoming a servant at her place and she would pay me Frw 15,000. I did not enjoy doing that kind of work. She did not take me back to school as she had promised
One day I brought her kids to the swimming pool here at La Fiesta and the white lady who was running this place heard me speaking English.

After hearing about my life and situation she convinced me to join her staff. She told me that she wanted someone who could speak good English and that I was the right person. I was confused and did not know whether to take up the offer. I told her I would not manage because I have never worked as a waitress.

She convinced me and said that she would help me learn.
I had saved Frw50,000 so I used it to rent a place and buy a mattress and a few household items. I moved into my new place and started working at La-Fiesta. I work six days a week and am paid Frw35,000 a month.

Every evening at around 8.00 p.m. we break for supper. Each day we have something different. We then continue working until 10 p.m. when I head straight home. I try to save my salary so that one day I will be able to go back to school.
