Rwandans welcome UN Security Council seat

Members of Parliament have welcomed Rwanda’s election to one of the rotational seats on the UN Security Council (UNSC), a position they said will honourably represent the interests of Africa.

Saturday, October 20, 2012
Peggy Hope Mutesi, Customer Care Executive

Members of Parliament have welcomed Rwanda’s election to one of the rotational seats on the UN Security Council (UNSC), a position they said will honourably represent the interests of Africa."Rwanda has been accorded an important role on the UN Security Council and this is pride for all citizens and the President who have tirelessly worked hard to put Rwanda on track,” MP Gédéon Kayinamura, the Chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies’ standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Security, said in an interview yesterday. The UNSC is a principal organ of the United Nations charged with maintaining international peace and security. It is made of five permanent members; USA, China, Russia, United Kingdom and France.Ten other countries are elected by the UN General Assembly as non-permanent members with a two year term starting every 1st January, with five countries replaced each year.Rwanda which last held the seat in 1993-94, will replace South Africa, whose term expires in December.Rwanda’s new position speaks volumes against doubts and detraction made about the country’s progress, according to MP Ignacienne Nyirarukundo, Deputy Chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies’ standing Committee on Social Affairs."Rwanda has worked tirelessly towards the creation of international peace, and this was simply a vote of confidence from the community of nations. Regardless of what has been said in the media or in false reports, countries believe that Rwanda has the potential to firmly represent peace in UNSC,” she said."Personally I am glad that Rwanda is at that level; God is on our side always. Regardless of what took place in Rwanda, the Genocide against the Tutsi and the severe underdevelopment did not deter us from going forward. This is a chance for us to play a part in creation of international peace and we shouldn’t miss it,” said MP Connie Sekamana Bwiza.Rwanda was unopposed in her bid for the Africa seat and secured 148 out of 193, above the two-thirds support required.


The election of Rwanda by 148 votes represent a vote of confidence from the UN General Assembly. It also means that other countries do not subscribe to the so-called expert reports which are not founded on facts. This position must not be taken lightly and at the end of the day, we want to assess and see how we fairly represent peace and security as members of the UNSC”.I have never doubted Rwanda. These are small steps that Rwanda has been making over the years. First we joined EAC and instantly started implementing regional programmes to the benefit of the citizens, now we have been entrusted with safeguarding world peace. More is to come for sure.I can only credit our visionary leadership for tremendous hard work to ensure that Rwanda gets elected to the UNSC. Every now and then, President Kagame says that nothing is impossible, and surely this demonstrates his resilience. Let us steam ahead because there are more landmarks ahead.