Karugarama’s secret life

What is your favourite sport? Jogging and swimming. At night you dream of… I stopped dreaming. What you see when you look in a mirror… I rarely look into a mirror, because I hate what I see.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What is your favourite sport?

Jogging and swimming.

At night you dream of…

I stopped dreaming.

What you see when you look in a mirror…

I rarely look into a mirror, because I hate what I see.

If you have time to myself…

I read things but not related to my work.

Your favourite building…

Any reasonable accommodation.

The movie/book that changed you…

‘The Heart of the Matter’ and ‘Man of all Seasons’.

Can you describe your life?

It has known the best and the worst.

Which living person do you admire most and why?

My mother, because I have never heard her complaining over anything.

What does love feel to you?

It’s wonderful!

What is the worst job you have done?

I have done all sorts of jobs in this world.

What has been your biggest disappointment?

I have never been understood by those who should understand me most.

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

I am not sure.

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?

If all my kids finished school and I go into peaceful retirement.

What keeps you awake at night?

Might be anything.

Where would you wish to go for your leave?

In any village, as longer as I’m out of town life.

Your greatest fear…

Gossipers, rumormongers and liars. They are terrible creatures in this world!

Who is your best friend in life?

I have very many friends.

What do you consider you greatest achievement?

That I have been able to live up-to-date.

You drive…….

Currently I drive a Suzuki (Grand Vitara).

Your plans in five years to come…….

Working as hard as possible for my country.

What brightness your day?

When I have accomplished the day’s work and reduced backlogs.

What is your European football club?


Contact: lindaonly2005@yahoo.com