The Steve Hege I know

Editor,Steven Matthew Hege (Coordinator, UN Group of Experts on DRC) is at it again, trying to gain popularity. A man who had problems at school, started spotting a Mohawk hairstyle to gain attention, and finally dropped out of school, can’t surprise me anymore.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Editor,Steven Matthew Hege (Coordinator, UN Group of Experts on DRC) is at it again, trying to gain popularity. A man who had problems at school, started spotting a Mohawk hairstyle to gain attention, and finally dropped out of school, can’t surprise me anymore.

What a shame that the son of a respected teacher, Owen Hege, can engage in such nonsense about Rwanda, and now, Uganda. Maybe Tessa did not discipline him well enough. No wonder his ex-wife, Lisa, denies him visitation rights to their son. His older brother, Patrick, is a well-respected researcher. Last I heard about him, he was conducting research on why Dar es Salam did not become a divided city during German occupation. At least, he is after the truth, not a smear campaign like his younger brother. Michael Rwiyamilira, Heidelberg, Germany