Exercising my ‘cave days’ almost got me in trouble

I still don’t understand why people keep saying that practice makes perfect! Which perfection are they referring to here? I believe the closest a person ever comes to perfection is when filling out a job application (as we all want to seem like the best candidate).

Thursday, October 18, 2012
Martin bishop

I still don’t understand why people keep saying that practice makes perfect! Which perfection are they referring to here? I believe the closest a person ever comes to perfection is when filling out a job application (as we all want to seem like the best candidate).Men are miles away from the required perfection; but the good thing is that we don’t deny it! In fact we use it as an excuse whenever we mess up. "Honey I’m sorry I made a mistake, I’m not perfect. I’m only human.” Well, it worked for me till last weekend when my luck ran out. I was caught read handed peeing by the road side. I can hear women jeering at me and saying I shouldn’t even be writing this (as if they lily white). Anyway, I was nabbed by the police patrol. How fast are these guys anyway?  I swear that before I did the unthinkable, I looked left, right and left again, and there was no patrol! I didn’t hear the vehicle, probably the chaps were into the thrill of watching someone do something illegal so they parked and waited for me to finish my act. Perverts! I stood there looking like a nabbed night-dancer.I smiled sheepishly and let out a silly hi! Without a word, the guy in the passenger seat signaled me with his head to jump in the truck. I suspected they were taking me to where they keep irresponsible guys. I asked for mercy. "Mr. Officer I’m sorry. I’m only human.” My plea fell on deaf ears so I decided to remind him of our history. "Officer you know we’re territorial creatures, I just did this to mark my territory. If it were socially acceptable, you know we’d pee all the way to the office, it’s called using our inbuilt GPS navigation system. It’s like saying I’ve been here.” I think I hit home because he let me go.He fairly understood how hard it is for men to un-program the software the Creator instilled in us. Women should also try to understand that whenever their men leave socks, shirts, or ties strewn around, it’s because we need to find our way around. Though it’s been millions of years since we emerged out of the ancient caves, we’re still evolving and trying to adapt to civilisation. Sometimes we get carried away and hog the remote control with an iron fist, shamelessly scratch our private members in public, never worry about dirty dishes and so on. Be patient, some day we might grow up.