So, he beat you - who cares?

I happen to share my last name with one of the most honourable men I know - my grandfather. In the very short life that I have lived – wait... who am I kidding? Let me rephrase that, in my very many years on earth, never have I seen my grandfather raise a hand to slap his wife let alone raise his voice at her.

Thursday, October 18, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

I happen to share my last name with one of the most honourable men I know - my grandfather. In the very short life that I have lived – wait... who am I kidding? Let me rephrase that, in my very many years on earth, never have I seen my grandfather raise a hand to slap his wife let alone raise his voice at her.Now, a friend of mine recently posted on facebook asserting that all of us who were against the Rihanna- Chris Brown relationship are clearly not laughing last. And I couldn’t agree more, Rihanna has made her choice, if it is right or wrong that is her business. The rest of us can jog to hell.Moving on, lately, for some reason, my nose has been bitten off every time it poked itself somewhere it shouldn’t be.  A few months ago, my friends and I ganged up on some guy, putting lots of pressure on his chick to dump the douche. Come on! This wasn’t because I am single and lonely, give me some credit here! The guy had turned her into a punching bag and because am such a benign humanitarian, I would die before I let her continue dating the loser. Anyway, one fateful day as I walked out of a building, I found this frivolous girl and good-for-nothing man making out. My first reaction was to tell them to get a room. Then I realised who they were... When they turned, it was the bloody couple I had sweated and toiled (literally making it my life’s mission) to keep apart- you cannot begin to imagine the look on my face. This was the epitome of shame. Like as if I was not embarrassed enough already, the dude wanted to show me that he had conquered his ‘punching bag’ back and triumphantly walked towards me – apparently to just say ‘hello.’ Oh how sweet, some of you might say. Don’t be so naive, ‘Tyson’ just wanted to rub the fact that I lost in my face, and as much as I am still in denial, it is the truth.  I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for the rest of my life.The truth is I was angered, this couple made me look stupid twice, but I learnt one thing from the whole dramatic scenario – do not say a word, because you have no idea what happens behind closed doors. You do not want to be the last, trust me, it is painful!