Governor tells leaders to spend less time in offices

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — The Governor of the Eastern Province, Dr. Ephraim Kabayija has urged leaders in the country to prove their worth by living exemplary lives.

Friday, May 30, 2008


NGOMA — The Governor of the Eastern Province, Dr. Ephraim Kabayija has urged leaders in the country to prove their worth by living exemplary lives.

While touring Ngoma District on Thursday, Kabayija said leaders should use their offices to serve the people but not for their personal interests.

The visit, his first since assuming office, was aimed at meeting district workers. While in Ngoma he met with all local leaders from the Cell to the District level and other workers from various departments in the district.

Kabayija observed that if poverty is to be eradicated in homes and the country as a whole, leaders need to act in a way that influences residents to change their old perception of things.

"Mind about changing the perception of your people; nobody will get them out of poverty unless you act exemplary to change their mind set. And this is the only way through which Rwanda will develop,” He said. He urged them to stand out from the crowd and be leaders with focus on the future.

Kabayija commended the work so far done by the leaders in all sectors in the district. But he urged them to follow up government poverty eradication programmes like the, one- cow-per-household, commonly known as Girinka.

"Visit the residents and see if what was given to them was used accordingly. You will not know what is going on if you are always seated in the office. Be close to them and know their problems so that you can find a solution,” he said. 
