Children need guidance from teachers, parents

Editor, Parents do not only have a critical role to play in achieving our Vision 2020. Without parents, our children cannot become responsible citizens in future.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Parents and teachers play a critical role in upbringing children. The New Times / File.


Parents do not only have a critical role to play in achieving our Vision 2020. Without parents, our children cannot become responsible citizens in future. Parents and teachers play a big role in parenting and upbringing of children; therefore, they should play their part and discuss pertinent issues that affect their lives. But, we need to empower parents, teachers and opinion leaders since all these people are very vital and play a big role in shaping and upbringing children. These people should understand their role in having dialogue with the youth/children about their role in society and other related challenges. Young people and adolescents are the most vulnerable groups that need to be empowered with knowledge on every issue in society.Andrew Kanamugire, Nyamata