Caring for your armpits

There is nothing as shameful and irritating as a bad stench from the underarms, especially if you are a woman.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

There is nothing as shameful and irritating as a bad stench from the underarms, especially if you are a woman.For some, it could be a medical condition or just negligence however there are so many simple ways to avoid having a bad odor coming from your arm pits.One of the simplest yet most important is taking a bath at least twice a day. This requires one to pay extra attention by washing their armpits thoroughly well. Deodorant or medicated herbal soap such as Dettol and Protex can also be helpful in keeping the skin free from sweat and avoid getting fungal infections according to bold sky website.The same website suggests that vinegar can also be used in dealing with smelly armpits, "Dip a cotton ball in white vinegar and apply it on the underarms. The smell will go in sometime but the skin will be odor free” reads the website in part.Wearing deodorants after taking a bath is also helpful in the prevention of bad odors. Deodorants may not stop the sweat although they partly cover up the smell.Your choice of fabric of the clothes you wear also matters in the prevention of odors. It’s advisable to wear clothes that breathe cotton, silk and wool instead of fabrics such as polyster.Cotton especially can help absorb moisture.According to the Mayo Clinic, sweating keeps the skin hydrated and balances the body’s electrolytes by excreting excess sodium and calcium even if it’s the main cause of smelly armpits.Avoid eating spicy foods such as onions, garlic and curry as these can trigger smelly armpits according to WebMD.