We can’t always like the same things!

More often than I care, my girlfriend wants me to go with her to parties, functions at her former schools (like I know anyone there), and other get-togethers of her liking. And this is not just about following her to functions I could care less about, so don’t think you have it easy just because your woman likes staying home!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Women expect guys to enjoy everything they do. Net photo.

More often than I care, my girlfriend wants me to go with her to parties, functions at her former schools (like I know anyone there), and other get-togethers of her liking. And this is not just about following her to functions I could care less about, so don’t think you have it easy just because your woman likes staying home!Women want guys to do everything with them like watch their favourite TV shows including those Telemundo soaps that make me want to slit my wrists. You have to sit in that sofa with her and watch as she literally shares the emotions with the actors in the soap, while she rests her legs on you . It might be romantic to spend quality time with your man but it is now going too far. And the worst part of it all is that saying no is not an option. Take it from me, you are safer off hanging in there, watching a painful 30 minutes of some confused man and woman who love each other but can’t quite be together for reasons known to them than facing her wrath later!  Ladies, please try to understand that we do not love the same things, which is why we do not force you to watch soccer, in fact, watching it in your absence is total bliss!! Do the same.