What does your drink say about you?

I’m a beer and whiskey type of girl and I am not scared to admit it. So, what it says about me? I really don’t care. I enjoyed those drinks at university and many ‘memorable” nights followed. I know what works for me and let’s just say it isn’t vodka or tequila.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I’m a beer and whiskey type of girl and I am not scared to admit it. So, what it says about me? I really don’t care. I enjoyed those drinks at university and many ‘memorable” nights followed. I know what works for me and let’s just say it isn’t vodka or tequila.I have come to realise though that lots of women in our society do feel judged. When I was younger, and would go to family friends’ parties, I would find it quite odd that women always rushed into a bedroom in the back. At first, I figured they found the men boring (at that age I found boys boring too), but as time went by and I grew older, I asked my mother what this was about. My mother explained that in our society women were afraid of drinking in public.The women would be in the room and I would enter and they would try to hide the bottles as quickly as possible thinking I was a man or someone else who was entering the room.  Once they realized it was little old me, they would slowly bring the bottles back out and shyly drink. Even amongst friends no one ever wanted to seem like they were professional drinkers. These days older women will still come out of hiding, giggling to themselves and I know what they have been up to.Well for the younger women, my fellow 21st century women, things are different. They believe that not being a drinker is a sign of maturity and that people who still drink are young. For those that do drink they like to stick to wine, because if you’re going to drink, they believe, one might as well be classy about it. Men tend to think girls who drink hard liquors and beer have this wild side to them and are more chilled out. Wine gives the impression of being a bit high maintenance. Personally, I don’t really judge people on what they drink as long as they don’t act foolish when they get drunk.  Women shouldn’t go around saying, " Oh I don’t drink; girls who drink alcohol are blah blah”. Especially when you have a glass of Amarula in your hand. I’m sorry but you should check the alcohol percentage on the bottle. That ‘lady-like’ drink contains quite a bit of alcohol. It will have you giggling and playing with your hair in a couple of minutes.I understand that it’s not just judgement from other women we are afraid of; the drink in your hand can also determine the kind of guys that approach you. I was told by one dude (who didn’t know I drink beer) that girls who drink beer are gross. Other dudes, surprisingly, love it when girls enjoy beer. If a dude doesn’t appreciate you for who you are and the things you indulge in well, he just isn’t right. Plus, who would want to be with a guy who doesn’t enjoy hanging out with you, drinking beer and just have a good conversation?Really all I’m saying is that if you’re going to drink, have fun. Don’t let what is in your hand define you. You are more than a glass of wine or Heineken on a Saturday night. If you can pay for your own drink, I think you have gained the right to put whatever you like in that body of yours.21st Century Woman