So I am single, shoot me!

The other day, I was tagged in a note that literally explained to single women what it took to score a man. I’m sure the owner of the note didn’t mean any harm by it and had every single lady’s best interests at heart. However, it didn’t go down well with a few individuals who felt like being single wasn’t something worth noting down!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
For some women, career is more impprtant than a spouse. Net photo.

The other day, I was tagged in a note that literally explained to single women what it took to score a man. I’m sure the owner of the note didn’t mean any harm by it and had every single lady’s best interests at heart. However, it didn’t go down well with a few individuals who felt like being single wasn’t something worth noting down! One lady snapped so bad and asked never to be tagged in such silly things, while others claimed good gesture as it was, there was no need to rub her singlehood in her face. About 3 or 4 mastered the rules like a calculus test and went straight to work – promising result updates.  I wasn’t exactly offended, seeing as not being married puts me in the single category (you didn’t know that did you?), however, I have my reasons for not being married and trust me, it’s not because there is no one to marry!It was bad enough that she confirmed our clocks were ticking and that finding the right man was close to impossible, but to add that we were insane if we thought we could actually find the right man was a nail in the foot! Surely, who is so bold as to tell another to stop wasting time looking for the right man?In our defence (I mean we singles), right does not mean perfect! Right is –well – right! Perfect is that hogwash we read in fairytale books and Mills and Boon novels. No we don’t want that, well, we would if it existed but no, we want right. Right is simple, right is natural, and right is wrong but in all the right ways, if you know what I mean.I know after 30, having a husband seems like the most important thing in the world but my dreams go further than just a husband! I’m sorry, married people might take this the wrong way; I do not mean you did the wrong thing. I’m sure you did what’s best for you and now I’m doing what’s best for me, as is every other individual. When the time is right, however old, singles will follow suit (or maybe they won’t, who the hell knows?)...Okay maybe the honeymoon won’t be as naughty as it should be if that time comes around the age of 50 but, love is love, no matter what age it comes. I say this at a time when most of my friends are getting married, making me feel older than ever, however, it’s just life! People get married, others don’’s not the end of the world. If it happens, great, if it doesn’t...I’ll get a goldfish or dog or something!She concluded with telling women that drinking themselves in a stupor every night with the girls will not attract men. Okay seriously, now a sister can’t have a drink because some ‘husband material’ guy might be watching? What is HE doing in the bar for starters? I see, this is the part where it’s okay for men to do certain things and women, simply unacceptable. I’d drink myself in a stupor too if a married friend, colleague or sister irritated me with the same old question time and time again, ‘when are you getting married? I don’t know about you but the question is seriously weighing on my last nerve!