Parents have a critical role in achieving Vision 2020

The family is oldest institution on earth. It is the first school in the world for a child. It has been repeatedly said that what you teach a child sticks in their mind.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Dennis O. Ndemo

The family is oldest institution on earth. It is the first school in the world for a child. It has been repeatedly said that what you teach a child sticks in their mind.But, over the past years, this all-important institution has seen its essence diluted with time. It is now a skeleton of what it should be, and is all but dead.Family responsibilities have been left to technology and the media is fast seizing that opportunity to confuse the young. I am not against technology and media, rather I am saying that they should not replace the parent (the teacher) but serve as a guidebook of knowledge.In Rwanda, the family could play a very critical role in the attainment of Vision 2020 because it is a block that builds the nation. The country’s development plan’s six pillars can be taught by the parents.The  million dollar question most of you might be asking is, how can parents teach their children; good governance, agriculture, regional integration, human resource, infrastructure and private sector? It is possible.Governments operate like a family; the father being the head assisted by the mother and children their subjects. That is governance. The family needs to eat and for food to be available, labour and production of food is necessary.That is agriculture and human resource. The family must move from their house for school, hospital, market or even for an outing and mingle with the neighbours. That is infrastructure, private sector and integration. How you carry out all these activities determines the growth of the family.Equally, the system the government puts in place determines how possible the vision will be achieved. Therefore, the family stands the best avenue of realisation of Vision 2020 because children are likely to borrow a lot from their families.To save the next generation; (I prefer to call it generation Y), this lot of youth people, we must impart beautiful virtues right from the source – the family.The parents are the first role models and should always inspire their children. Their listening skills, hard work and socialisation give the children hope. In them etiquette is nurtured and as they interact out there, these vital lessons come in handy.They learn to appreciate and respect other people’s cultures, hence integrating with the community at large. A unique harmony and unity fosters tranquillity creating a great environment for creativity, innovation and openness which is a recipe for growth.Parents can equally improve the human resource of the country by assisting their children to nurture their dreams.They can encourage them and give guidance to those who keep changing their passions in different careers.They can support those who have no idea of ripe areas to pursue. There is nothing as stressful as being in a career that you have no passion in.Such people never deliver and the only time they are happy is when they walk to the bank to cash their cheques. This is not what this ambitious plan that will see Rwanda compete favourably in the international economy needsParents, therefore, ought to assist in decision making and not forcefully selecting a career path of your child to re-live your dreams that never materialised. Orthodoxy is the graveyard of creativity and if you continue with it, we will be burying great and noble ideas. The tasks here are facilitating the selection and keep monitoring the progress.Financial skills are best taught when kids are young. Lessons on saving, accountability, time management and accuracy should be real.With enough saving, development sparks the fire of growth. The ambitious plan gives a fertile ground for growth of the private sector and people can take a risk if they are financially endowed.Teach your children on how saving will create more unseen opportunities in the private sector and investments such as real estates. They should account for their time and goals; only then can they rise to the occasion. Make them know that time is a fitted costume for failure or success.When all is said and done, this vision will be a reality. As it is said, the contribution of humanity to this creation is so important. It’s the way it is, so that there is a constant need for us to discuss and cooperate to make it more habitable.