What they know about their culture

“One thing that makes my culture different from the many others out there is the Rwandan traditional dance. It is very unique.” Flexis Ntagwa, 16, P.6

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Flexis Ntagwa

"One thing that makes my culture different from the many others out there is the Rwandan traditional dance. It is very unique.” Flexis Ntagwa, 16, P.6"The basket (agaseke) that has made Rwandans and the country popular is what makes me proud of my culture.”Kevin Giramata 12, P.5."When you read or hear about Rwanda, you will understand why ours is a culture like no other. People loved and fought for their country, and Rwandans will always do so, if need be.” Sedric Mugisha 12, P.5"My culture is enriched with many good things like social gatherings where people of all ages share their knowledge with others.”Guiallaine Irahoza 13, P.6"Ibitaramo is another thing that makes my culture special because this is when we learn from the elders what they used to do when they were young.Gisele Iradunkunda 12, P.5"Our culture tells us to obey and respect people. It also teaches us to love our country.” Thiery Niyonambaza 14, P.6"Our traditional dress, singing style and the traditional dance make every Rwandan proud to be one. Lambert Musoni 12, P.5"Our culture is great at sending a message to people through poems and history.” Elvis Uwurukundo 13, P.6 "The words in the National Anthem clearly show our standards and the value of our culture.” Nadia Uwiduhaye 15, P.6"My grandmother used to tell me bed time stories and I think this is part of our culture.”   Joselyne Uwamahoro 11, P.