There is need for wind generated electricity to run farms

Dear Editor, The electricity problem in Rwanda should not last for long. Most areas upcountry lack accessible electric power and this may not be an urgent problem to peasants since they think buying cash power would only reduce their daily income.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dear Editor,

The electricity problem in Rwanda should not last for long. Most areas upcountry lack accessible electric power and this may not be an urgent problem to peasants since they think buying cash power would only reduce their daily income.

Those practicing large scale farming are however, the ones who feel the pinch of this setback. Other cheaper means of accessing electricity can be employed such as using wind generated electricity. A lot of funding will nevertheless be needed because installing wind rotators is very expensive.

Once in place electricity can be readily accessed by farmers on their farms. Farmers can eventually upgrade to e-farming where they could use internet services to advertise your products. This will become cheap by cutting down major costs in terms of production, marketing and sale of produce.

Large scale production technology can also be employed where machines use wind generated electricity to run. Less time will be wasted and more profits realized.
