Bank robbery foiled

Residents of Nyamirambo, Kigali city, yesterday foiled a bank robbery by a man using a toy pistol.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Residents of Nyamirambo, Kigali city, yesterday foiled a bank robbery by a man using a toy pistol.Police said the suspect (names withheld) with a mask on his face entered ECOBANK Biryogo branch with a toy pistol and a bag without being checked and ordered tellers to pack all the money in the bag. He was, however, scared off after a cleaner of the bank screamed.He took off leaving the ‘pistol’ and the bag behind before he was later arrested by residents, Police said.The 21-year old suspect being held at Muhima Police Post is a resident of Nyamirambo.The police Spokesperson Supt. Theos Badege cautioned the youth against criminal activities.Commending the residents for their cooperation, Badege urged security personnel to increase vigilance and check whoever enters a bank or any other public facility.The crime attracts between three and five years sentence if found guilty.