Three arrested for smuggling

The Police have arrested three people accused of smuggling illicit beer called African Gin from Uganda.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Police have arrested three people accused of smuggling illicit beer called African Gin from Uganda. The suspects, held at Muhima Police Post in Kigali, are all drivers and resident in Kigali.  Police said the suspects were arrested last week in Rugenge cell, Nyarugenge sector during an operation that led to the recovery of over 75 cartons of the liquor.However, one of the suspects denied involvement, claiming he wanted to help police arrest smugglers. "We tried to call police but the line was off, no sooner had the police arrived than the smugglers disappeared and we were arrested,” said the suspect, whose name we have withheld because he has not been convicted.Smuggled products that are confiscated are sent to Rwanda Revenue Authority from where they are scrutinised. If they meet the required standards, the smugglers are told to pay taxes and fines before collecting their merchandise.But those found substandard, the smugglers lose the products and they are punished according to the law. Anyone importing unauthorised drugs or any other kind of drugs faces between 3 to 5 years jail term and fine ranging from Rwf500,000 to Rwf5,000,000.