FAWE students discuss girls’ empowerment

FAWE Girls from Gisozi and Gahini campuses yesterday discussed the role of empowerment of girls in honor of the International Day of the Girl Child that was celebrated early this week.

Sunday, October 14, 2012
Students of FAWE Girlsu2019 l busy din class. The Sunday Times / File.

FAWE Girls from Gisozi and Gahini campuses yesterday discussed the role of empowerment of girls in honor of the International Day of the Girl Child that was celebrated early this week.The girls share their views on whether or not the empowerment of the girl child is doing more harm than good.Miriam Nsekonziza, a Senior Four student noted that despite the fact that empowering girls was good, it has also caused some harm where some women are disrespectful to their husbands which has led to high rates of divorce.Nsekonziza noted that families are breaking up every now and then because some women now feel much more superior than their men.She added that women shouldn’t abuse their empowerment by stepping on the men but rather respect each other.Sheila Mutiba, a Senior Six student, stated that women can also now have their say, which has led to a decline in cases of women’s rights being abused."Most girls and women today are aware of their rights, so when men attempt to violate them, women always report to concerned authorities. This scares men away from abusing women’s rights which shows empowerment,” she said.Josephine Kobusingye Ruzindana, the Programs Officer for FAWE schools, stated that such fora are organised to provoke the girls to think about such issues that will help them realise their capability and the fact that they too are empowered.She added that it was part of the activities to celebrate the International day of the girl child that was held on the 11th.FAWE Girls School has 823 students at the Gisozi campus and 485 students in Gahini.