Work as a team for better results

Teamwork is work done by more than one person to obtain a common goal. Technically, it means work done by several associates with each doing a part, but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Teamwork is work done by more than one person to obtain a common goal.Technically, it means work done by several associates with each doing a part, but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.  Every individual   involved contributes to the work done and overall results obtained. Hence success or failure of   any venture or institute depends solely on the efficiency of the team working there. The advantage of a team work is that decision making becomes collective and better decisions are made, leading to better results. The disadvantage is that some people may play truant, i.e. not do their share of work.Respect the bossAny team is always headed by a captain or chief. He is the one responsible for making final decision. It is vital for all members of the team to respect him and coordinate with him.  Everybody can have a difference of opinion regarding methods of working. But ultimate decision should be left at the discretion of the chief. It should be remembered that he is the one responsible for the final success or failure of the team. The head also has responsibility towards his team mates. Like food taken in by   the mouth nourishes all body parts equally; such should be the attitude of the boss. He should care for all working with him without discrimination.  He should motivate and encourage them and help them to perform better. Good performance should be appreciated.  One performing poorly should be counseled patiently and given a fair chance to improve before meting out any punishment.  There are different people working in a team, of different ages, caliber and skills. In such a setting individuals should know and respect the abilities of one another.There should be good understanding between different individuals involved in the work.  Each person should support and supplement one another. If one   has made a mistake or is slow in work, another person should voluntarily help him to rectify the fault. There should be no criticism and no backbiting. One simply has to fill in the gap in the working of a colleague.If criticized for something the person should take it in good spirit and understand that he/she is being criticized for betterment. He has to make efforts to rectify his weakness.  Every person should realize that his contribution, howsoever small, is important in obtaining the goal set by the institution. He may be less skilled than others but he has an important role to play.Keep ego away One   should keep ego away while working in a team. In fact, ego problems are the ones which damage teamwork and hinder achievements. A junior person may ask themselves why they should comply with the instructions of the senior colleague immediately. Why can’t I put my views and ideas in to practice?  A senior colleague would like his idea to be implemented at once without questioning or discussion. A situation like this always results in chaos. People need to put forward their opinion but also listen to others’ opinions. It is very important that all people involved in a team put in hard work and work honestly. If one avoids   doing his due work while others are doing so, the outcome will be affected.  If for any reason a person is unhappy, he should inform the chief and move away gracefully, instead of spoiling teamwork.  "One for all and all for one,” is the motto for good teamwork and such a team will surely succeed. Dr. Rachna Pande