Denzel Washington in new ‘Flight’

Denzel Washington has starred in a brand new TV spot for Flight. The drama is director Robert Zemeckis's first live-action project since 2000's Cast Away, following his computer animated efforts including The Polar Express.

Friday, October 12, 2012
Denzel Washington.

Denzel Washington has starred in a brand new TV spot for Flight. The drama is director Robert Zemeckis's first live-action project since 2000's Cast Away, following his computer animated efforts including The Polar Express.‘Flight’ centres on an airline pilot who heroically crash-lands his malfunctioning plane, saving the lives of 98 passengers on board.Washington's character 'Whip' is later hailed as a hero, but the investigation into the crash unearths troubling details about his behaviour the night before.Don Cheadle, John Goodman, Kelly Reilly, Bruce Greenwood and Melissa Leo also star in the film.‘Flight’ will open in US cinemas on November 2 and February 1 in the UK. BBC