Bralirwa shares rise

Bralirwa shares rose sharply during yesterday’s trading at the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE). Shares in Rwanda’s biggest beverage company rose to Rwf436, the highest since its listing on the local bourse.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Bralirwa shares rose sharply during yesterday’s trading at the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE). Shares in Rwanda’s biggest beverage company rose to Rwf436, the highest since its listing on the local bourse. The total turnover for the day was Rwf22,956,000 from 136,100 BK shares and 12,100 Bralirwa shares that were traded in nine deals compared to Thursday’s trading session which recorded a turnover of Rwf6,780,200 from 2,000 BK shares and 15,100 Bralirwa shares traded in four deals.BK shares traded and closed at Rwf130, unchanged from Thursday’s closing price while Bralirwa shares traded between Rwf430 and Rwf436 and closed at Rwf 436, an increase of Rwf4 compared to Thursday’s closing price. KCB and NMG shares prices last transacted at Rwf154 and Rwf1,200 respectively.At the end of formal trading hours, there were outstanding bids of 1,097,900 BK shares at Rwf130 and outstanding offers of 200,500 shares at Rwf 131 and Rwf 132. On Bralirwa counter, there were outstanding bids of 100,000 shares at Rwf 430 and no outstanding offers.This week the RSE market went up in turnover compared to last week’s trading session. The total turnover for this week was Rwf 182,675,400 from 572,100 BK shares and 252,800 Bralirwa shares traded in 37 deals compared to last week’s trading session which recorded a turnover of Rwf 163,040,400 from 970,600 BK shares and 86,700 Bralirwa shares traded in 36 deals.