Should parents take their primary children to boarding schools?

Some people think there is something disturbing about boarding schools. Others feel like the time away from home might just be the way to tame a child and prepare them for the less tolerant world out there. Society’s Agnes Bateta asked a few people what they thought about the matter.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Some people think there is something disturbing about boarding schools. Others feel like the time away from home might just be the way to tame a child and prepare them for the less tolerant world out there. Society’s Agnes Bateta asked a few people what they thought about the matter."Parents shouldn’t take their children to boarding school since they are young and cannot get the exact great care they need. They are simply cold and uninviting!”Pacifique Modern, 26, a resident of kimironko"When these children go to boarding school, they become disobedient and seriously rebellious because the only people they are used to listening to are their teachers!  ”Leonicia Umubyeyi, a resident of Kacyiru"I think these children are still very young and need to be with their mothers so that they can get that love and care. That is the only way they can truly excel in their studies.”Bernard Tuyisenge, 28, a resident of kimironko"My children stay close to me while they are still in primary because of the poor conditions in boarding schools. Some parents take their older children to boarding schools because they are busy and cannot stay home to take care of them and I understand that. But I do not see why any parent would take a really young kid to boarding school no matter how busy they are.”Marceline Muhawenimana, mother of 3, a resident of Kacyiru"In boarding school, children tend to pick up bad habits from their fellow children which they bring home. Such bad manners affect their parents because they are close to impossible to get rid of.”Angel Kidju, resident of Gisozi"Parents should take their children to boarding schools since these institutions help them learn better without any distractions. At home, these kids are surrounded by thousands of distractions like television and games, and in most cases, even fail to do their class assignments.”Marie Gorretti Abeza, Kicukiro resident"I think boarding schools cause more problems than they solve because kids get homesick all the time. When they finally get used, they forget about their parents and adapt to life at school which is just terrible.”Laurent Usanzumuhire, student at Kigali Institute of Education and resident of Kabeza