Belgian-based Rwandan singer to perform in Kigali

Belgian-based Rwanda singer/songwriter, Jali, will tomorrow perform in a concert in Kigali to raise awareness about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Rwanda and raise money to support heart patients, especially children.

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Jali. Courtesy photo.

Belgian-based Rwanda singer/songwriter, Jali, will tomorrow perform in a concert in Kigali to raise awareness about the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Rwanda and raise money to support heart patients, especially children.He will be performing alongside several local artistes, among them Shanel, thereby creating a festive ambiance, perfect for a Saturday night out.Proceeds from the concert will go towards supporting the Rwanda Heart Foundation, a non-profit organisation committed to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the country, according to organisers. The entrance fee will be Rwf5, 000 (ordinary seats) and Rwf10, 000 (VIP section).Jali has over the last few years, mesmerised Europeans, scooping the "Artiste of the Year” award at the Octave de la Musique in Belgium. His first album "Des jours et des lunes” is certified gold in Belgium.  The 24-year-old folk singer describes his sound as "a round trip between the continent on which he was born and the one in which he was raised”. Since 2007, Rwanda Heart Foundation has focused its efforts on increasing awareness of the health professionals and the community about Cardio Vascular Diseases (CVD), promoting heart healthy lifestyles in the communities, ensuring that all heart health risk factors are known to the public and that both policy and legislation promote heart health and research into CVD. It is a broad programme that needs everyone’s input which touched Jali’s heart. This event is sponsored by Rangwa Entertainment, Serena Hotel, Secam, Positive Productions, Ambassade de Belgique, AZ impex, Ishyo, Illume.