ICTR ruling on Gatete a disgrace

Insensitivity is the word that can best be suited to describe some judges of the International Criminal tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Insensitivity is the word that can best be suited to describe some judges of the International Criminal tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).While judges are supposed to put away their emotions and biases, and base their decisions solely on evidence when deciding on a case, some of their actions leave one speechless.If someone can be found guilty of attempted murder and is given a life sentence, how can another be found guilty of mass murder by the ICTR and is given 15 years, serves three quarters of the sentence and set free on the streets?On many occasions, the trial chamber of the ICTR has found some of the most notorious mass murderers on this planet guilty of Genocide, and handed down a stiff sentence, only for the Appeals chamber to reduce it on some flimsy grounds.The "Mastermind of the Genocide”, Col. Theoneste Bagosora and the "Butcher of Murambi”, Jean Baptiste  Gatete, and many others, were sentenced to life in prison, the Appeals Chamber came to the same conclusions but gave them reduced sentences, with the possibility of them walking the streets again — as is the case for some today.Is it because they don’t really understand the gravity of Genocide or are they simply playing God — deciding on life or death when they feel like it — or are they simply insensitive by nature?