Avoid family feuds – Premier

RUHANGO – Prime Minister Dr Pierre Damien Habumuremyi has urged Rwandans to avoid family feuds in order to build strong families which, he said, are the foundation of national development.

Thursday, October 11, 2012
Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi serves milk to a little boy during the launch of the Family Campaign Week in Byimana Sector, Ruhango District, on Tuesday. The New Times / JP Bucyensenge.

RUHANGO – Prime Minister Dr Pierre Damien Habumuremyi has urged Rwandans to avoid family feuds in order to build strong families which, he said, are the foundation of national development.The Premier made the appeal during the launch of the ‘Family Campaign’ on Tuesday in Byimana sector, Ruhango district.He expressed worry that certain things happening in society do not reflect the cultural values of Rwandans. "We have heard of husbands and wives abusing the rights of their partners, of men killing their women and vice versa, parents killing or abusing their children, children humiliating their parents, drug abuse amongst the youth and so many other related stories,” Habumuremyi observed.The Family Campaign is a month-long event focusing on Rwanda’s traditional values. Its objective is to enable society overcome the challenges that face the family.The Campaign is an annual event held throughout the country under the stewardship of the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion.The exercise, which will run until November 8, will be held under the theme: "sustain families through promotion of Rwandan cultural values”.Speaking at the launch of the campaign, Habumuremyi urged every one to champion good relationships among family members and their neighbours."The society is sick and we have the cure. We need to act to transform our community for the better,” he advised.Habumuremyi told residents that good families were the cornerstone of each development. He pointed to political, economic, cultural and social development as having their foundation based on strong families."The country relies on individuals and those individuals come from families,” he stated, calling for everyone’s efforts to build strong and united families needed for a strong nation.He challenged people to work hard to improve their wellbeing and commit to family growth and prosperity.According to the ministry, the exercise seeks to bring to light issues affecting the Rwandan family and promote the need to build strong families as a solid foundation to national development and stability.The campaign will focus on family welfare, improving relationships among family members and the promotion of child rights and positive parenting.Habumuremyi tasked local leaders to ensure that the campaign becomes a success and leaves a positive impact on the lives of the population.He noted that the campaign should be an occasion to identify all families prone to domestic violence and wrangles as well as families with poor hygiene and poor diet, among others, "so as to enable the concerned authorities take appropriate measures.” He advised those cohabiting to formalise their marriages as away of respecting the family values.