Boiled food is the healthy option

Nothing beats a meal that is fried and spiced up; however, a boiled meal is healthier and can be just as scrumptious.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Nothing beats a meal that is fried and spiced up; however, a boiled meal is healthier and can be just as scrumptious.People should stop associating boiled food with poverty – lacking funds to buy cooking oil! Lately, people who are health cognizant have resorted to preparing their food without oil.According to Diet eBook, boiled food is the latest craze amongst those always on the run and conscious about their health. From taste and nutritional value to ease of cooking, the benefits of boiled food spread across parameters everywhere. "One of the most important benefits of boiled food is that these food items are free of all micro organisms that may enter our body and render immense damage to our digestive systems. Boiling being a slow process of cooking over high temperature sterilizes food and kills all the microbes and germs present in the food items,” says Diet eBook.Gerald Ruzindana, a nutritionist with Health Inspirations, Kimironko, says that fried foods put one at a risk of catching diseases such as pressure, also stimulated by high cholesterol levels."Eating oily foods causes obesity which puts one at risk of many other diseases caused by obesity. Oils cause digestive disorders, gastric ulcers and poor blood circulation so it’s healthier to have most or even all your foods boiled,” he suggests.He advises that beef, fish and all other meats should be boiled since they already have fats and oils. He says these can be boiled and still be delicious if you add flavors like onions, carrots, garlic, egg plants and tomatoes to spice them up.For other foods, you can even add ghee instead of cooking oil. Not only will you have reduced your chances of suffering from some diseases, but also you will stay in great shape with pimple free skin.