Lemon Chicken Recipe: Recipe for Rwandan Beef Stew

Preparation  First boil the chopped beef pieces for 30minutes until it becomes tender. Pour out the water in the beef in a dish. Get another clean saucepan and pour the 4tablespoons of cooking oil.  Pour the beef in the sauce saucepan with cooking oil.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Preparation time: 20mins Cooking time: 90minutes Ingredients A kilogram of beef cut into 1cm dice shape 2 onions which are chopped 4 tablespoons of cooking oil1 large green paper which is chopped 5 tablespoons of freshly-squeezed lemon juice5 small tomatoes peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons of saltHalf a kilogram of Irish potatoes peeled and chopped 3 carrots chopped Assorted herbs and garlic3 cubes of Maggie spicesPreparation First boil the chopped beef pieces for 30minutes until it becomes tender. Pour out the water in the beef in a dish. Get another clean saucepan and pour the 4tablespoons of cooking oil.  Pour the beef in the sauce saucepan with cooking oil.

Stir and keep adding a little water until the beef becomes crispy brown.  Add onions, green paper. After 5 minutes, add the Irish potatoes, herbs, Maggie cubed spices and seasonings. Pour the water in the dish into the mixture and add half a liter of tap water needed and cover. Let it boil for 50minutes. Serve it with Rice or Ugali.