Sometimes men need space. Don’t worry about it

Dear Its a Guy Thing, I was dating this man for about 6 months, and we were doing great in terms of our relationship and also we were both doing well in our personal life such as career and family.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dear Its a Guy Thing,I was dating this man for about 6 months, and we were doing great in terms of our relationship and also we were both doing well in our personal life such as career and family. Recently, he came to me with some excuse about the fact that we needed to take a break so he can figure some things out in his life. I’m not one for breaks but I really do like this guy. Do men usually expect the girl to wait or is this a way to break up with me without having to deal with all the emotions?Daniella---------------------------------------

Dear Daniella,Relationships are complicated. Everyone knows that, or pretends to at least. The fact of the matter is that a lot of us really think that they are supposed to be without bumps and issues. I blame that on Hollywood and romance novels, which fill our minds with unrealistic notions of what a ‘perfect’ relationship is supposed to be. We are supposed to love being in each other’s company 24/7. We are supposed to eat and breathe each other, forgetting that, in fact, we are STILL two different individuals. So, to your question. Does his saying that he needs a small break mean that he wants to break up with you permanatly? Not necessarily. I think that the fact that everything was going great means that he didn’t find anything wrong with the relationship. He just might feel overwhelmed and needs breathing space. I suggest that you don’t fight this. Give him some space but keep in contact as well. Help him realise that NOT being with you is something that he CANNOT live without. If you have any questions, email me at