Be yourself because who else can you be?

As we grow older, you begin to realise that people and I mean everyone will have an opinion on how you decide to live your life sometimes unfairly judged too.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

As we grow older, you begin to realise that people and I mean everyone will have an opinion on how you decide to live your life sometimes unfairly judged too. However, what makes a difference between who you were as a young girl and who you are today is the ability to listen to the opinions you want and leave the negative ones behind. I’m not saying you will live in your own little bubble and ignore reality but sometimes, certain thoughts people express can do more harm than good.I suffer from the syndrome where I believe people are watching. Oh no, I’m not saying I’m narcissistic and believe the world revolves around me, I’m talking about the imaginary people. Like you know the people you mention when you say " Oh I can’t wear this dress, people will think I’m trying to be too sexy” or " oh I could never do that, people will think I trying to be too flirty”.  I think you get the point and a few of you are realizing you suffer from the syndrome, which at this point I have no name for, because it isn’t paranoia necessarily. But its more that you want to avoid the negative opinions and go with the safer options to get a more positive response, or one that you are comfortable with.Same as everything else in life, I’m starting to realise it’s really all about what you make of the situation. Opinions are what you make of them. We, as women in society, have to deal with a lot of opinions whether its our weight, career, choice of partner, the colour of our hair, colour of our nail polish etc, lets just say we have allowed ourselves to be subjected to opinions from not only men but mostly women.To be able to not take the negative comments to heart and welcome the positive, you have to learn to be yourself. For example, you want to be an artist and no one believes in you, it may sound hard, but only you can decide whether you will succeed as an artist or not. Some people may give you good advice or make harsh judgements but you should listen to all and make your own conclusion. Every morning when you get ready and you decide to wear what you want, do your hair the way you prefer, wear the highest heels, you should also look in the mirror and realise who you are inside and outside, so when anyone makes a comment you aren’t taken aback by it, its more like "oh that’s nice you noticed”. And if it’s a compliment, just be appreciative, because at least someone else noticed how awesome you look.Only we can give ourselves our worth and take it away. Don’t let anyone else have that power.