5 signs of an unhealthy relationship

1. Sudden mood changes. Going from being nice and agreeable one minute to having an explosive outburst of anger the next isn’t healthy.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

1. Sudden mood changes. Going from being nice and agreeable one minute to having an explosive outburst of anger the next isn’t healthy.2. If your partner lays all responsibility on you for whatever goes wrong, you are probably in an unhealthy relationship.3. In an unhealthy relationship, your partner may put pressure on you for a number of things, according to the girlshealth.gov website.4. The Heart 2 Heart support network states that if the person you are with repeatedly hurls insults, he is emotionally abusing you.5. Jealousy and love have nothing to do with each other. Jealous partners may question everyone you talk to, accuse you of flirting with someone or try to limit your time with friends.
