When will the UN apologise for crimes committed in Africa?

Editor,The world of no mercy, the people of no pity! Those so-called international community members did nothing that time and they will never do anything.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Editor,The world of no mercy, the people of no pity! Those so-called international community members did nothing that time and they will never do anything. They did nothing at the time, and now former Kofi Annan is regretting, is that enough? What did you do for your fellow Africans? It’s high time we, Rwandans, stood strong and do what is good for our country.Semugeshi, Kacyiru---------------------------------------------Editor,Wishing Kofi Anan doom will not bring anyone back. However, we know that not assisting someone in life-threatening danger is considered to be a crime.The UN, the so-called super powers that have super means to even by-pass the so called heavy UN administration system, did nothing to prevent or stop the killings.They still do nothing today to prevent similar mass killings, be it in Syria, DRC, Sierra-Leone, or elsewhere.Those super powers, due to their arrogance, do not even have the courage to apologize to the people of Rwanda.I think Africa should have a veto right at the UN, even as a continent, in which all the states should vote and the majority of the votes used as a single veto vote in the UN Security Council. My view is that the west has nothing good for us.What we get from them is for them to make themselves happy by feeling they are more human.Mumbere, DRC(Reactions to the story, ‘Kofi Annan regrets failing to prevent Genocide in Rwanda’ The New Times, October, 08)