If they were parents, this is what they would tell their children

“I would tell my children not to steal, abuse or disrespect anyone.”Bandian Manzi, 10

Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Bandian Manzi

 "I would tell my children not to steal, abuse or disrespect anyone.” Bandian Manzi, 10"I would tell my children not to fight each other or anyone else for that matter. I would tell them to respect themselves and other individuals.” Trevise Isinginzwe, 10"I would tell them to respect everyone and help the needy. I would also encourage them to study hard.” Delicia Akaliza, 10 "I would tell my children to respect people’s rights and not jump into conversations that do not concern them without asking to be included first.”Kevin Nzeyimana, 10"My children would be among the best performers in class because I would give them extra lessons at home. I would remind them everyday about the importance of education.”Cissy Mumporeze, 10"I would teach them to love everyone, themselves and also obey their teachers and other elders.” Grace Elizabeth, 9"Children who are well disciplined are loved by everyone, so this is what I would teach my children as a foundation for everything in life.” Daniella Ines, 9"I would tell them to respect each other. I would teach them about forgiveness and also encourage them to study very hard so that they can do their family and country proud! Kent Biraboneye, 10"My kids would learn to listen to good advice because this advice will shape them into great human beings.” Owen Gaza, 8    "I would tell my kids that if they are educated and well disciplined, they can succeed anywhere in this world.”Nikita Asiimwe, 9