In this world, things are bound to fail in some cases and prosper in others for us, we are bound to sometimes be the ones in charge of someone else’s mercy and other times the ones in need of it, in some places the best, and in others, among the worst. And the bottom line is, thats what makes the world go round...

Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Natasha N. Muhoza

In this world, things are bound to fail in some cases and prosper in others for us, we are bound to sometimes be the ones in charge of someone else’s mercy and other times the ones in need of it, in some places the best, and in others, among the worst. And the bottom line is, thats what makes the world go round...The tendency to manipulate our times of success or take advantage of our positions of supremacy in our different situations for our own favor is almost natural. This is understandable; however there is more consideration we later find out we should have put in regarding the days when we are the ones at the vulnerable end of the bargain and if we had shot our sight far beyond the then current circumstances, all the better for us. Because then, we’d be prepared… humble.Being human, being pushed out of our comfort zone is similar to asking a cat to take a shower! It’s so irritating, it’s setting us up to what we had clearly not signed up for, it’s challenging us to what we had not prepared enough or at all for, and simply making us vulnerable which is exactly what we don’t want for the love of our ego’s! I know, there is a number of you, like me, who can relate to this well and I’m happy you can because you’ll understand my message.See, many times, we don’t pay heed to such elementary education or the importance of different forms of social etiquette like service, even more basic, keeping in mind the underlying wisdom in most of the virtue we are taught while growing up by either parents, guardians, school instructors or any other wise counsel. These, during the times when we have nothing else to rely on, are our saving grace. They shape and preserve a sane perspective of others as well as ourselves on the other side of the fence, for we usually like to console ourselves by believing it’s not us, and because disciplines like these are normally more difficult to constantly apply than not. They provide room for us to ponder upon, question their relevance, and seek out the answers, which help us grow to be better rather than ordinary.This is the same thing that is driving the world crazy! People are searching for answers, only leading to more questions. People are unsatisfied with religion because it suggests a lot of vulnerability in favor of some other power, only leading to more religions which make less sense, people are dying to remain in control, causing only more turmoil, people are doing anything to keep their spotlight shining but yet lose sense of who they really are, and yet no one else can figure that out for them. At the end of the day, we are doing this to ourselves and we are responsible.It doesn’t matter who we are, our age or where we come from. It matter’s that we’ll be able to get through our circumstances still whole or if not, closer to it… humble.