Teenagers and ambition

Other than academics, schools also help with the overall development of a person. Teenage years are the transition of a person from childhood to adulthood.

Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Goals and dreams can not be achieved without ambition. Net photo.

Other than academics, schools also help with the overall development of a person. Teenage years are the transition of a person from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, it is advisable to have ambition by the time high school calls.  Ambition is the strong desire to achieve something, whether name, fame, money or status.  This desire is strong enough to make an individual increase effort to fulfill goals.  In most cases, parents and other elders try to guide teenagers in choosing the right courses to study at university.Some schools organise career-counseling meetings for students. However, the necessity for every student is ambition. Many teenagers fail to succeed in life - even with potential. Some average individuals excel because they are ambitious enough to not only dream but also make the dream reality. Teens must realize the importance of ambition while growing up. Recognise the fact that life is not just about sleeping, eating or waiting for the next Harry Porter movie! Having aims or dreams with no ambition is no good. Every school-leaving student should have a clear picture of what they want to do in life. It is not wise to remain confused for too long and waste valuable time.Try to keep ambitions realistic. If the desired results are obtained, fine. If not, do not feel depressed. Dreams do not come true over night! The writer is a 17 year old teenager