Kagarama SSS concert help raise Rwf3.8m for Agaciro

On Sunday, the students of Kagarama Senior Secondary School (KSSS) concluded their weekend in style. A concert, dubbed, Agaciro Development Fund, organised by Talents’ Developers, a student club at the Kicukiro school, in collaboration with the school administration, meant that the students ended the week on a high.

Monday, October 08, 2012
Kagarama students during the concert

On Sunday, the students of Kagarama Senior Secondary School (KSSS) concluded their weekend in style. A concert, dubbed, Agaciro Development Fund, organised by Talents’ Developers, a student club at the Kicukiro school, in collaboration with the school administration, meant that the students ended the week on a high.The concert was organised to help raise funds for the recently created national solidarity fund – the Agaciro Development Fund. It all started at 3p.m with a movie screening at the school’s auditorium. This was followed by a remarkable performance by artiste Christopher, who wowed the crowd with his famous songs ‘Iri Joro’ and ‘Uwo Ninde’. That was followed by speeches by the Headmaster, Samuel Nkurunziza, and the Mayor of Kicukiro District, Paul Jules Ndamage.Ndamaje commended students for their efforts to contribute to the Fund. He urged them to read harder and observe high levels of discipline to be able realise their dreams.Nkurunziza appreciated the organisers, all the students and the guests for the noble cause."The school has raised three million eight hundred and forty thousand Rwandan Francs towards Agaciro Development Fund,” said Nkurunziza.The next artiste to take to the stage was Sgt Robert. He poured his heart out and did not disappoint his expectant fans. Upcoming singer Barbra also delivered a great performance as did artistes BacT and Rafiki.     Sandwiched between these energetic performances was a poem by one of the students. Dr Davis and Sparks of the Family Squad were also on hand to entertain the students. "We really appreciate the administration, the organising committee and the artistes for their support,” said Deo Mugema, of Kagarama Talents Developers Club. "I was humbled to contribute to the Agaciro Development Fund,” said Sandra Impano, a S.5 student. Dennis Agaba, the school’s Information prefect said: "I encourage other schools to also come out and find a way of supporting the Agaciro Fund, let’s uphold our dignity.” Unfortunately, the show came to an abrupt end at 5:45p.m when Rafiki got a serious accident while on stage and rushed to a nearby health facility.