Dealing with relationship insecurities

I was recently introduced to a woman who is so insecure about her relationship. I could tell this the first five minutes I met her. The poor woman was texting her husband all the time asking where he was and asking him many other questions. At some point her husband didn’t respond to her messages and she turned green, thinking that the man was somewhere doing funny things.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

I was recently introduced to a woman who is so insecure about her relationship. I could tell this the first five minutes I met her. The poor woman was texting her husband all the time asking where he was and asking him many other questions. At some point her husband didn’t respond to her messages and she turned green, thinking that the man was somewhere doing funny things. And when we tried talking, she would only talk about her husband. At the end of our coffee meeting, I had to deal with her alone; straight to the point I told her she was dealing with insecurities with her marriage that is why she was paranoid about everything.The lady looked at me with dagger eyes, but I had to help her calm down and deal with her insecurities. There are many men and women out there who have issues of insecurity in matters regarding their relationships. If you have this problem or you have a friend/relative with such an issue you can help them overcome it, insecurities needs to be dealt with, for when it goes out of hand it becomes a dangerous obsession I was recently introduced to a woman who is so insecure about her relationship. I could tell this the first five minutes I met her. The poor woman was texting her husband all the time asking where he was and asking him many other questions. At some point her husband didn’t respond to her messages and she turned green, thinking that the man was somewhere doing funny things. A person without self-esteem is like a walking corpse. Self-esteem is all about how much we feel valued, loved, accepted, and thought well of by others — and how much we value, love, and accept ourselves. People with healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about themselves, appreciate their own worth, and take pride in their abilities, skills, and accomplishments. People with low self-esteem may feel as if no one will like them or accept them or that they can not do well in anything. Some people have a feeling of insecurity from thinking that they are not good enough for their partners. Others even think that their partner is doing them a big favour by being with them. Once someone knows their self-worth, issues of insecurity will be dealt with easily.Building self-confidenceIf you are in a relationship you must have the confidence that it will work and that your partner loves you just the way you are. Two people in a relationship/marriage have things that they share, never feel like you cannot contribute your share of the discussion for some reason. Have the confidence of doing everything according to the best of your knowledge. If you are talking about politics, then share your views and your partner will respect you for that. Once you are confident about yourself and everything that you do, it will remove your feelings of insecurity and improve your relationship with your partner.Fear of rejectionAny person who has ever been rejected in a relationship knows what it feels like. Unfortunately some people take the previous rejections too serious, to an extent of believing that you deserve to be rejected all the time or that there is something wrong with you. Not all love stories end the Cinderella way- if a person has decide to give you a boot, then I say get up, dust yourself and continue living. If someone rejects you that has nothing to do with you personally, maybe it is for good riddance. Once they are out of your life, you will realize there is nothing to miss about them anyway.Stop stalking your partnerStalking your partner is the worst nightmare any person can take themselves through. The only result that people get from stalking their partners is divorce/separation.If your partner is cheating on you, for some reason you will just come to find out- so until then, wait for the opportunity to present itself, rather than living on the edge of your life trying to find out inane things which do not exist.There may be other causes to your feelings of insecurity; however they will always come down to one thing: not being sure of your own abilities. In general you should try to identify the one thing that makes you unsure of yourself the most and then take actions to build confidence in that area.