Speak less and speak good

Today level of stress and its related problems are increasing world over. Hectic   work schedules, tensions at work place, increasing materialistic values, addictions, irregular eating and sleep schedules are some of the underlying causes for these problems.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

Today level of stress and its related problems are increasing world over. Hectic   work schedules, tensions at work place, increasing materialistic values, addictions, irregular eating and sleep schedules are some of the underlying causes for these problems.  But   there is one more factor responsible for increasing stress and which is    often ignored.  That is talking too much and those too wrong things.Many talkative   people speak without thinking. Words simply slip out spontaneously without the speaker realizing the harm he or she is inflicting   on another person or even to self.  What they consider as harmless gossip may be harmful for someone. It is said that most people know what to speak but very few know what not to speak. The tongue is a very small insignificant part of the body, but can be responsible for success or failures in the world or making or breaking relationships.A couple fights at home in the morning exchanging bitter words and insults. They may be     a loving couple, but in a fit of anger hurl malicious words at each other. Afterwards, they would be tense and irritable   and would easily loose their temper over the easiest target available. This    target could be a subordinate in the office or children or house help at home. Result would be, all would feel stressed.  Someone does not like his   superior for   any reason. He talks something nasty   about the concerned gentleman to his colleague or friend. Words once uttered no longer remain under control of the speaker. Now he is   anxious   that if his speech is reported to the boss, he may be punished or fired. Knowingly or unknowingly a   person says something bitter to his close friend or family member and the relation is broken forever. A leader or well known person of the society anywhere   gives an inflammatory speech and the people start     killing mindlessly after that. All this can be avoided simply if people learn to avoid speaking unnecessarily. One can also see the influence of   soft speaking   on others. You are in a fix or a complicated situation which no one else can solve, a friend or relative says some soothing words to you, well you definitely feel better after that and feel motivated to find a solution. Great men all over the world have generated peace, brotherhood and love among people by the influence of their speeches. When one speaks something positive to others, his own mind becomes relaxed.There is a very sound scientific basis underlying the philosophy of   speaking. When one is agitated or angry either by speaking or listening harsh words, there is sudden release of adrenalin in the body. This causes acute increase in pulse rate resulting in palpitations, increase in blood pressure and even heart attacks.  Attacks of asthma can also be precipitated. Diseases like gastric ulcer, strokes e.t.c. can also develop following a harsh speech.  Chronic manifestations of stress   like loss of appetite, headache, insomnia, palpitations   eventually   follow.Therefore in the best interest of all it is better that one avoids using harsh words or taunts and jibes or   even abusive language while speaking to anyone. There   may be a neighbor, family member, colleague,   and student   or stranger, older or younger than you, but words that hurt should never be used.  If you have spoken something harsh to someone, he will never forget it. Someday he will take revenge and if that is not possible, shall surely curse you.  Remember   today   if it is your day and you are scolding him, tomorrow may be his day.It is human weakness to loose temper at times which may be justified or unjustified. But still one can reprimand the other person pointing out his mistake softly and firmly without using harsh language.The dictum should be, think and weigh words before speaking, speak less and only when necessary, and that too soft and sweet words. This would ensure good mental as well as physical health and happiness for all concerned.