I hate people who…

…think that Cello tape can be used to fix every broken item. It has become very easy for me to identify babies in adult bodies. These part-time thinkers who always assume they can apply cello tape on anything that needs fixing.

Saturday, October 06, 2012

…think that Cello tape can be used to fix every broken item.It has become very easy for me to identify babies in adult bodies. These part-time thinkers who always assume they can apply cello tape on anything that needs fixing. They will apply cello tape on torn money, a broken pencil, a broken remote control, a broken phone and even on a broken tap as I saw at the new Kigali City Market. Do these people have anything between their ears besides cello tape? Can’t they see that some things need to be replaced or repaired properly instead of always resorting to cello tape? Someone needs to urgently apply the same cello tape on their broken and useless brains.   …still hoot very loudly when they approach their homes.  Anyone doing research on this should stop because I have found the results. Yes I have proved that such people are fools and a waste of space. Humanity can clearly do without those fools who go out at night for a drink then when they return home in their cars, they hoot so loudly as if the whole neighbourhood is supposed to open for them the gate. Why don’t you try beeping your gate keeper so that by the time you get to the gate he is awake and ready to open for you? Better still sell your car and buy an automatic gate. Yes I know that such people are foolish enough to find that logical.   …call at odd hours and speak for ages. I will immediately direct my anger towards the people in the Diaspora. It looks like many of them left their brains at Kanombe International Airport and just travelled with empty shells. How on earth do you call me at 2am in the night and expect to speak to me for a whole hour just because you bought a cheap calling card? Did you even take the time to think about the about the time difference or it is because you want to show me that you had a lot of credit on your phone? I wonder who even has the guts to sell a phone to such a joker.   …have extremely annoying ringtones on their phones. Many times I have expressed my anger over people with those ear-bursting ringtones that are common with fake Chinese-made phones. However there are some whose class of foolishness I am yet to classify. I am talking about the ones who have Christmas themed ringtones yet it is just the beginning of October. What is the hurry? Are you now doing internship for a Christmas job may be as Father Christmas or what? I just pray that such phones can ‘die’ before Christmas. …insist on singing in a language they clearly don’t understand. I am always shocked by the determination that some people have to appear ignorant. There are some songs I hear on radio where someone makes an effort to pretend that they are singing in English yet it would have just been ok if they stuck to Kinyarwanda. After all it is not as if the Queen of England had requested them to sing. Why can people know they levels of ignorance and save the public for such pain. How can a producer even allow to produce such garbage? Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or a text message to +250 788 545293