It’s a man eat man world

I believe I am a reasonably generous individual, but sometimes I can’t help but feel like my generosity is being abused. You don’t need to be a genius to know that people in Rwanda get married faster than a hare on roller-skates! Last weekend, while I moved from store to store window-shopping, I decided to kill my boredom by counting every wedding entourage I spotted.

Thursday, October 04, 2012
Rachel Garuka

I believe I am a reasonably generous individual, but sometimes I can’t help but feel like my generosity is being abused. You don’t need to be a genius to know that people in Rwanda get married faster than a hare on roller-skates! Last weekend, while I moved from store to store window-shopping, I decided to kill my boredom by counting every wedding entourage I spotted. I can tell you now that I lost count! I don’t know about you but I have this dreadful feeling that I maybe the only unmarried person in Rwanda. Everywhere I look, someone is married or getting married! Whereas I think that is a beautiful thing, the rate at which people are asking for contributions is worrying.  Here’s the thing, close friends are free to ask for my support anytime – what I hate is people you’ve known five minutes thinking they have the right to send texts summoning me to some wedding meeting! Really? I don’t want to sound mean but some things are just best left for when you actually have the money. I mean have you seen some of the items on the budget list? Bride’s gloves and handkerchief, groom’s socks, flower girl’s hair ribbon...people, we need to be serious!The worst part is, as Africans, we have this annoying penchant of vigorously celebrating every achievement. Yes, a degree is great and surely worth celebrating but that does not give anyone the right to ask for contributions to a graduation party! Go out for dinner as a family (people who actually want to celebrate the fact that their money was put to good use) and call it a night. The rest can send congratulatory posts on Facebook or whatever!If you think contribution to a graduation is bad, try estimating the annoyance of being asked to contribute to someone’s house warming party! I know, who does that? Trust me, some people are so bold, it’s almost inspiring. If you don’t have money, do not force life, because as much as Africans never say no to a party, they also do not like parting with money – especially for nonsensical parties!  Now, put all that anger away because you will need room for the people who ask for birthday party contributions! Dude, seriously...birthday parties are cute...if your FIVE! I’m sorry but at 35, there is really not much to celebrate. Go bungee jumping, get a piercing, get ridiculously drunk and make out with the bartender for all I care...just don’t ask me to contribute to your aging!It’s a man eat man world – survival for the fittest! We all have our issues and personally, I wish I could send out contribution baskets even when I have a cold! However, since I can’t, I have to survive and I just don’t see how anyone can survive when strange contribution lists keep knocking at the door!