It was yet another moment of inspiration as people from different walks of life gathered at the Ishyo Arts Centre in Kacyiru for the ‘Shoot Back’ movie.
It was yet another moment of inspiration as people from different walks of life gathered at the Ishyo Arts Centre in Kacyiru for the ‘Shoot Back’ movie.The 85 minutes (2005) movie by Michael Trabitzsch and Katharina Kiecol, with English subtitles, is a true life story of two young people hailing from Mathare slum in Nairobi. The duet use digital cameras to capture each moment of the life they live in the slum with their families and friends; a life where they both lost their fathers. An environment full of violence and crimes; a daily struggle they go through to cater for their families.It is after a Digicam workshop by German documentary filmmaker Michael Trabitzsch and Katharina Kiecol, a journalist, that these two young men were inspired to work on a two-year documentary about their lives. ‘Shoot Back’ is a touching story, which shows the kind of life people live in slums.The movie night was organised by Goethe-Institut.