Gabon’s switch to English commendable

Editor,The Gabonese must be commended for this initiative, not because it is anti-French/France, but simply for its pragmatism.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Editor,The Gabonese must be commended for this initiative, not because it is anti-French/France, but simply for its pragmatism. Whether those steeped in the language of Moliere and Hugo like it or not, the language of international business is almost exclusively English. It is only right that the Gabonese Government would want to give its citizens, especially the young generation, the necessary arms to compete effectively on the global stage and thinking that French would be part of that armory would be acting akin to the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand. That said, like any Rwandan I bask in the pleasurable feeling of experiencing that best form of flattery: emulation!Mwene Kalinda, Kigali