ICC: Chief justice Sam Rugege is very right

Editor,Allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the Rwandan Chief Justice Sam Rugege for a statement he made recently in Munyonyo in Kampala, regarding the attitude of the “so – called International Criminal Court” (ICC) at the Hague.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Editor,Allow me to express my sincere gratitude to the Rwandan Chief Justice Sam Rugege for a statement he made recently in Munyonyo in Kampala, regarding the attitude of the "so – called International Criminal Court” (ICC) at the Hague.Hitherto, the "court” has not demonstrated any sense of impartiality. Some powerful individuals who should have been summoned long ago by the said "court” have been completely left free yet the greasily consequences of the war they started are still felt even today. The "ICC” has reserved sharp focus on the Third world leaders and those of Africa in particular. Naturally, this overt and selective propensity puts the "court” in very bad light and sometimes one wonders whether this is not a mere circus on display at The Hague!Our political leaders, more than fifty years after regaining our Independence, should endeavor to halt attitudes which are reminiscent of the colonial days or have we already been re-colonized? This seriously undermines our very sense of integrity and legal confidence. Let us follow Sam Rugege’s advice and institute respectable and formidable legal systems with a blend of African background so that we solve our own problems here on our Continent.Paul .K. Walugembe, Kampala