England and KP reach agreement

THE ECB will consider Kevin Pietersen for future matches after the two parties reached an agreement yesterday.

Thursday, October 04, 2012
Pietersen will be considered by England.

THE ECB will consider Kevin Pietersen for future matches after the two parties reached an agreement yesterday. An ECB media statement read: "ECB and Kevin Pietersen confirm that agreement has been reached concerning a process for his re-integration into the England team during the remainder of 2012. Upon completion of the programme, the England Selectors will consider Kevin for future matches."Kevin Pietersen has apologised to Andrew Strauss and wishes to express to all those who support England his regrets at the impact the recent controversies have had on the England Team. He now wishes to put the events of the summer behind him and to focus on regaining his place in the England Team."With regards the issue of the BBM messages, due to the fact that Kevin had not retained the BBM messages, this matter has been successfully concluded through a binding assurance provided to ECB by Kevin. Kevin conceded that the messages exchanged were provocative."ECB is satisfied, following receipt of this binding assurance, that to the best of his recollection, Kevin did not convey any messages which were derogatory about the England Captain, the England Team Director, the ECB or employees of the ECB. Furthermore, there was no tactical information whatsoever provided to members of the South African Touring Party.”Agencies