NGO calls for girls rehab centre

Policy makers have been urged to establish a rehabilitation centre for girls similar to Iwawa Rehabilitation and Skills Development Centre that caters for boys only.

Thursday, October 04, 2012

Policy makers have been urged to establish a rehabilitation centre for girls similar to Iwawa Rehabilitation and Skills Development Centre that caters for boys only.The call was made yesterday during a forum organised by a girl-child empowerment advocacy organisation, Girl Hub, convened to share views on issues affecting female youth that should be incorporated in Rwanda’s Draft Youth Policy that is currently under review.Girl Hub is a project aimed at ensuring that girls take part in the design and implementation of policies and programmes that affect them.The fact that there’s no rehabilitation centre for girls yet they too have issues such as drug abuse and female street children, was one of the key issues raised by the youth.Pascaline Umulisa 24, one of participants, said that with the establishment of a female rehabilitation centre like Iwawa, it would reduce the number of girls on the streets, prostitutes and teenage pregnancies.She noted that there were many vulnerable girls in society that would be reformed and empowered through services of a female rehabilitation centre."There are many girls wasting away in our society, for instance through prostitution and begging on the streets simply because they have nowhere they can go to for rehabilitation and skills training. With such a centre, the Rwandan girl child who is straying can be reformed and acquire skills to make a living on their own instead of begging or being sex workers.” Umulisa called upon women leaders and parliamentarians to advocate for such establishments that will empower Rwandan girls to grow into responsible citizens.She noted that the women leaders are familiar with most of issues but their levels of advocacy are still low.Gloriose Isugi 23, a student at the National University of Rwanda, Butare, also added that girls go through different challenges, so a rehabilitation centre with programs that are sensitive to the needs of the girls would empower many.Among the other issues highlighted by the female youth include sexual harassment against girls seeking employment.Germaine 24, who is a graduate of Civil Engineering, said that some employers exploit girls sexually with promises of employment, adding that she recently quit her job due to a similar experience."In August this year, I quit my job at a Construction company because one of the bosses at my workplace was asking for sexual favors. He kept on insisting and this made me uncomfortable until I couldn’t take it anymore. I decided to quit. Action should be taken to ensure that such behaviour is heavily punished so others can learn from it,” she said.Germaine said that sometimes it’s difficult for girls to report such cases since there will be need for convincing proof.Among the other issues that were raised include the price of sanitary pads which the girls want reduced or even given out free to those who can’t afford.Lauren Russell, the Global Communications Officer for Girl Hub, stated that the views of the girls will be shared with the decision makers during a validation meeting that will be held on Friday. She said that the forum was held to ensure that girls’ issues are addressed in the revisedNational Youth Policy, especially in four main areas including health, education, financial literacy and violence.Girl Hub is a joint initiative of the Nike Foundation and the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID.