Give the presents back when you breakup!

I recently broke up with my boyfriend of almost 3 years. We have been together for a good amount of time for me to accumulate a lot of presents and just things we bought together. He used to give me expensive gifts for my birthday and our anniversaries.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

I recently broke up with my boyfriend of almost 3 years. We have been together for a good amount of time for me to accumulate a lot of presents and just things we bought together. He used to give me expensive gifts for my birthday and our anniversaries.

They are beautiful but I’m confused about the protocol of what to do with them now and I don’t want to offend him by either not giving them back if he’s expecting them or asking him like he really needs used women’s earrings.So I need your advice, do men usually want their ex-partners to return the expensive gifts they bought them?Paula-------------------------------------------Dear Paula,Obviously the subject of whether to give or not give back presents is a sensitive one. And different people will tell you different things. However, I think that the rule of thumb should be this: if YOU broke up with him its best you give back the presents because, let’s face it, you can’t break someone’s heart and then still want to enjoy what that person gave you. However, if HE is the one that broke up with you, I say KEEP the presents. That is, unless he actually asks for them back. Remember though, if the presents leave you with a bad taste in your mouth or stop you from moving on, then give them back no matter WHO broke up with whom. If you have a question, email