Guard employees against occupational hazards

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour has urged employers to take all appropriate measures to protect their employees against work related hazards.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Workers at NPD- Cotraco in protective gear at work. The New Times / John Mbanda.

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour has urged employers to take all appropriate measures to protect their employees against work related hazards.      Speaking during a two-day training on occupational health and safety, the in-charge of occupational health and safety in the ministry, Patrick Kananga, said employers need to step up efforts in ensuring health and safety for their employees. "Some employers do not provide employees with tools that protect them from accidents related to their work”"Employers benefit from good health and safety of their employees because it is a basis of increased productivity” he said.The training brought together labour inspectors at district level and employee and employer representatives.He observed that some employers do not provide protective gear because they aren’t aware of their obligations towards employee safety.According to Kananga, non compliance is punishable by law.The ministerial order No.2 of May 17 2012 guarantees provision of a good working environment and tools for employees in order to protect them from any illness, injury or death. However to the official, both employers and employees lack awareness of the law. During the seminar, labour inspectors observed that there was need for employers to be sensitised on occupational safety and health because some think it’s a favour, not a duty."For example in Musanze, there were workers in mines who did not put on helmets for their protection, but after taking measures against the companies employing them, today the workers have those helmets” "It is only an issue of awareness,” said Nkusi Gasana, the Labour Inspector of Musanze District.It was also noted that employers are not the only ones to be blamed in the issue of not using protective gear at work, because some employees don’t use them even when they have them. "Some employers give protective gear but the employees know the importance of using them only after job-related accidents….they are not aware of prevention,’’ Kananga said.The Director of Labour Administration in the ministry, Alexandre Twahirwa, said the ministry was working on a country profile on occupational health and safety to know the current situation, and later, a national policy will be put in place.