A healthy lunch box

Well actually it’s what’s in it that should be healthy not the box, unless your lunchbox has a secret life! Your lunch should be a part of your balanced daily diet.  Lunch is an important meal. You need to get some fresh ideas about what to make from time to time.

Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Well actually it’s what’s in it that should be healthy not the box, unless your lunchbox has a secret life! Your lunch should be a part of your balanced daily diet.  Lunch is an important meal. You need to get some fresh ideas about what to make from time to time.After all, the same boring food every day is, well…. boring!Important things to doIf you are going to make your own lunch then here are some ideas to keep you safe, healthy and out of trouble. Sandwiches are very popular and can be made in the easiest and healthiest way. Most sandwiches do not need a lot of butter or margarine. For fillings, try grated carrot and cheese with mayonnaise or peanut butter and fruit only jam. Brown bread is much healthier option if you choose to carry sandwiches. Try to include a fruit like a banana, mango, or sliced pineapple. Carry some freshly squeezed juice or drinking water from home.Milk is good for you. You can carry some frozen milk from home or buy it from the school canteen as milk goes off pretty quickly - or you could freeze a small tub of yoghurt.Skipping lunch is not the way to keep you going through the day. Make a healthy lunch a partof eating healthy and being smart.www.cyh.com